5533 中国人民大学附属中学
指导老师:曹静、陈费 参赛学生:钟怡然
论文题目:Grandparent ing and Child Academic Performance: Evidence from China Family Panel Survey
6427 北京一零一中学
指导老师:陈衡 参赛学生:田海佑
论文题目:Smiling in Bureaucracy and Marketplace: Exploring the Relationship between Gender Socialization and Organizational Structure
6035 北京十一学校
指导老师:王潇 参赛学生:吴蕊杉
5303 华南师范大学附属中学
指导老师:余明桂、杨晓安 参赛学生:张朝钦
5569 Shanghai American School Puxi High School
指导老师:陈仪 参赛学生:Sophia Li
论文题目:Automation, Green Investment and the Pollution Abatement: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms
5788 上海美国学校浦西
指导老师:郎有泽 参赛学生:BO XIN ZHAO
论文题目:Trump’s Impact on Chinese Innovation: Evidence from Patents
6098 南京外国语学校
指导老师:王宇伟、吴婷 参赛学生:是欣宜
论文题目:中美博弈阻碍了创新流动吗? ——基于海外专利申请布局的研究
6467 BASIS International School Shenzhen
指导老师:陈硕 参赛学生:张朗华
论文题目:Quantity or Quality? The Impact of Carbon Trading on Firms’ Green Innovation
6475 深圳中学
指导老师:王奕君 参赛学生:龙天勤
论文题目:How Environmental Regulation Affects Labor Demand: Evidence from the Implementation of China's New Environmental Protection Law
6933 重庆市育才中学校
指导老师:尹钟毅 参赛学生:令狐衣茗、赵佳莹
论文题目:An integrated optimization methodology for minimizing operating costs of home delivery services in the O2O retail era
7193 深圳高级中学
指导老师:韩乾 参赛学生:陈含章
5467 中国人民大学附属中学ICC
指导老师:谢绚丽 参赛学生:Duke Boyang Zhu
论文题目:How does ownership change affect sports team performance? A 20-year Study on US National Basketball Association Franchises
5739 北京师范大学第二附属中学国际部
指导老师:宋涛、丁志杰 参赛学生:叶祖麟
论文题目:国际贸易间碳不平等四象限模型构建与碳补偿核算Four-quadrant Modelling of Carbon Inequality in International Trade and Accounting for Carbon Compensation
6678 中国人民大学附属中学
指导老师:华国伟、康雨轩 参赛学生:施婧宸、史子博
论文题目:What value does blockchain bring to the food supply chain safety and traceability? A Game-Theoretic Analysis
5574 Dulwich International High School Zhuhai
指导老师:Junaid Khan 参赛学生:吕昊龙、吴承泽
论文题目:Water-saving regulation, industrial transformation and high-quality economic development: Evidence from China
5658 上海七宝德怀特高级中学
指导老师:缪纬 参赛学生:吴翰唯、金辰铭、刘启源
论文题目:Research on New Energy Vehicle Pricing and R&D Investment Decision Considering Consumer Environmental Awareness
5997 International Department, The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University
指导老师:桂鹏 参赛学生:陈星尧、黄培锋、谭子谦
论文题目:Does Free Trade Make an Environmental Difference? A Short-Term Analysis of AFTA's Impact on GHG Emissions Through PSM-DID
6112 华东师范大学第二附属中学
指导老师:陈超 参赛学生:殷皓宁
6139 常熟世界联合学院
指导老师:彭珂 参赛学生:NAKAHARA RIKAKO
论文题目:One cup of coffee equals five job positions
7281 重庆巴蜀常春藤学校
指导老师:段凯耀、刘又铭 参赛学生:汪言爱、谭鸿升、钱静怡
论文题目:Research on the Allocation and Carrying Capacity of Compulsory Education Resources in the Context of Population Mobility - A Case Study of Chongqing
6347 西安市铁一中学
指导老师:史耀波 参赛学生:郭宸阳、王子琎
6601 北京师范大学附属中学
指导老师:彭子豪 参赛学生:褚亦婷
5835 北京市一零一中学
指导老师:叶堂林 参赛学生:叶金泽、韩梦凝、宿奕谣
论文题目:城市群中心城市科技创新能带动腹地城市创新能力提升吗? ——基于借用规模和借用功能视角的讨论